Seedling Stage of Cannabis Plants

The growing marijuana process has four key stages: the seed germination stage, the seedling stage, the vegetative stage, and the flowering stage. Let’s take a deep dive into the seedling stage, how to care for your baby marijuana plant so you know exactly how to take care of your growing marijuana seedling and make sure it grows into a healthy cannabis plant.

The first stage is the seedling stage, which lasts for about two weeks. During this time, the plant is typically grown in a hydroponic system or in soil with a lot of nutrients. The second stage of cannabis grow is the vegetative stage, which can last up to three months. This is when the plant grows quite quickly and gets taller with new leaves and branches. The third stage of cannabis grow is when it starts to flower and make buds that contain THC. This last part of cannabis grow usually lasts around two months or so until the plant can be harvested and consumed by humans.

Watching your cannabis seeds transform into seedlings is an exciting part of the growth process.

What is a Seedling Plant

A seedling marijuana plant is a cannabis plant that is grown from seed. This type of cannabis plant can grow up to 3 feet tall, and it takes about 4 months to mature. Seedlings are grown in pots or trays and they will need to be transplanted into larger containers when they are older. A seedling marijuana plant needs a lot of light and water to grow well.

The seedling marijuana plant needs light because the process of photosynthesis converts sunlight into energy for the plants. The energy is used for growth, reproduction, respiration, and other functions. A seedling needs at least 12 hours of light per day in order to grow well.

Types of Cannabis Plant Seeds

Indica Seeds

Indica seeds are typically shorter and bushier than sativa seeds, and they have a shorter flowering time. Indica plants are also known for their higher THC content, which makes them a popular choice for those looking for a strong psychoactive effect.

Sativa Seeds

Sativa seeds are typically taller and thinner than indica seeds, and they have a longer flowering time. Sativa plants are also known for their higher CBD content, which makes them a popular choice for those looking for medicinal benefits.

Ruderalis Seeds

Ruderalis seeds are the least common type of seed, and they typically have a shorter stature and a shorter flowering time. Ruderalis plants are not as popular as indica or sativa plants due to their lower THC and CBD content.

Autoflowering Seeds

Autoflowering seeds are a type of ruderalis seed that has been crossbred with indica or sativa plants. Autoflowering plants flower based on age rather than light exposure, which makes them a popular choice for indoor growers.

Feminized Seeds

Feminized seeds are seeds that have been bred to only produce female plants. Female plants are the ones that produce buds, so feminized seeds are a popular choice for growers who want to maximize their yield.

Female and Male Cannabis Seeds

For many people, the thought of growing cannabis conjures up images of shady dealers and illegal activity. However, in recent years, the legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational use has led to a boom in the cannabis industry, and home cultivation has become more popular than ever. When it comes to growing cannabis at home, one of the most important decisions is choosing between female and male seeds.

Female cannabis plants are prized for their buds, which contain high levels of THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana. Male cannabis seed, on the other hand, is generally considered to be inferior because it doesn’t produce buds. However, male plants do have some redeeming qualities; they are often used to breed new strains of cannabis, and their pollen can be used to make hashish. Ultimately, the decision of whether to grow female or male cannabis seeds comes down to personal preference.

Male and hermaphrodite plants soon start to pollinate the female plants and you’ll end up with lots of seeds and very little buds.

Key Point for Germination of the Marijuana Plant

One of the most important steps in growing cannabis is germination- the process by which a seed germinates and begins to grow. Though it may seem simple, there are a few key things to keep in mind when germinating your cannabis seeds.

  • First, plant your germinated seeds one knuckle (roughly 3–5 millimetres) deep with the taproot facing down. This will help the seedling emerge more easily.
  • Second, be sure to keep the soil moist but not wet- too much water can damage the delicate seedling.
  • Finally, give your seeds plenty of light- but not direct sunlight, which can scorch them. With a little care and attention, you’ll be well on your way to a healthy crop of cannabis plants.

Note: Always check lights, airflow, limit the watering to its minimum and keep them in a small pot for a few days instead of planting it in its final container. This helps the root system to develop easier.

How to Protect Your Cannabis Seeds

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  1. Keep them in a cool, dark place
    Cannabis seeds should be stored in a cool, dark place to maintain their freshness. The ideal temperature for storing cannabis seeds is between 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit. Seeds that are stored in a warmer environment may begin to lose their viability, while those stored in a cooler environment may become dormant.
  2. Use an airtight container
    It is important to store cannabis seeds in an airtight container to keep them from drying out. Airtight containers can be purchased online or at most home improvement stores. Mason jars with tight-fitting lids are a good option for storing cannabis seeds.
  3. Keep them away from moisture
    Cannabis seeds should be kept away from moisture to prevent them from germinating prematurely. Seeds that are exposed to moisture may also develop mold or mildew, which can render them unusable. It is best to store cannabis seeds in an airtight container with a desiccant packet to absorb any excess moisture.
  4. Store in the refrigerator
    Another option for storing cannabis seeds is to keep them in the refrigerator. This will help to keep the seeds cool and dry, and can extend their shelf life by several months. However, it is important to make sure that the seeds are not stored near any food that emits strong odors, as this can cause the seeds to absorb the odor and affect the taste of the finished product.
  5. Don’t store in the freezer
    While it may seem like storing cannabis seeds in the freezer would be a good way to keep them fresh, it actually isn’t. The freezing and thawing process can damage the delicate structure of the seeds, making them less likely to germinate when planted

Lightening During the Seedling Process

Seedling cannabis plants are small plants that can be grown at home. However, growing weed indoors requires proper lighting. A cloudy day can prevent your seedlings from getting enough light and throw off your entire growth process. Growing your seedlings indoors with artificial lights gives you more control over the process, making it easier to ensure your plants are getting enough light each day. The cannabis seedlings need lots of bright light to grow healthy and strong—but they also need a period of darkness in order to thrive.

Alternatively, you can keep your seedlings outdoors during the day (as long as temperatures sit consistently between 20–25°C) to get natural sunlight and only move them indoors at night to protect them from the cold, rain, etc.

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Room Temperature

Environmental conditions are essential to growing healthy cannabis seedlings, and some of the most important conditions to control are temperature and humidity. The ideal room temperature during the seedling stage of a cannabis plant’s life cycle is between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Seedlings prefer a bit warmer temperatures than adult plants. If the temperature is too cold, the seedlings may become stunted or die. If the temperature is too hot, the leaves may turn yellow or brown and the plant may become stressed. Maintaining a consistent room temperature within this range will help ensure that your seedlings thrive.

Cold temperatures can freeze a seedling’s cells and affect its ability to transport and use nutrients, water, and oxygen. This will result in stunted growth and eventually death if not dealt with properly. 

Watering Cannabis Seedlings

Watering cannabis seedlings can be a bit of a tricky business. Excess water and you risk drowning your delicate little plants; too little and they’ll quickly wither and die. So, how can you ensure that your seedlings get just the right amount of water?

The first step is to choose the right container. A pot with good drainage holes is essential, as is a quality potting mix that will help to regulate moisture levels. Once you’ve got your container set up, you’ll need to water your seedlings regularly. The root system of a seedling isn’t elaborate; the roots are small and don’t need much water to grow. Misting the plants with water once or twice a day should be plenty to give them the hydration they need to grow. Over time, you’ll get a feel for how often they need to be watered, but as a general rule of thumb, it’s better to err on the side of too little rather than too much. With a little care and attention, you’ll have healthy, thriving cannabis seedlings in no time.

Note: But you must be aware that as the roots of your plants grow longer you’ll eventually need to shift the plants (very carefully, so as not to damage the roots) from small containers to the larger ones—usually soon after you realize that rapid growth is beginning.

Nutrients for Seedling Stage

Potassium is necessary for the building and transferring of sugars for marijuana plants. It is also an important element for absorption of water and nutrients, aiding the rapid growth of the plant.

FAQ – Seedling Stage of Growing Cannabis

What is pre-flowers?

They are the beginnings of cannabis plant sex organs. If you’re growing regular seeds, you’ll likely have a mix of male and female plants and will need to determine the sex of your plants to discard the males. It’s imperative to separate males so they don’t pollinate the females. Pre-flowers appear at the nodes of the plant, where a branch grows out of the main stalk.

How can i undersyand the undeveloped seed?

An undeveloped seed is generally squishy and green or white in color and likely won’t germinate.

What is a cola?

 A cola is the flowering site on a female cannabis plant where flowers grow together tightly. This is also known as the terminal bud. Healthy plants typically form one main cola from the center of their structure and smaller colas form on the outside of the plant. Trimming and training are used to increase the number of large colas a plant will form.