How to Get Rid of Weed Smell

Worried ’bout your home stinking of weed? Annoyed by that icky odor? Worry not! This article’s got solutions! Here’s some simple ways to help ya banish the weed smell from your house.

Best Ways to Get Rid of Marijuana Smell

If you need to get rid of the marijuana smell, without getting caught, there are a few options. Make sure your home is well-ventilated. Open windows and turn on exhaust fans, or use air fresheners. Try using candles and essential oils, such as lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint, to help mask the smell.

Also use cleaning products designed to remove odors from fabrics and surfaces. Sprays and cleaners at most retailers can help. Baking soda can be used to absorb odors; sprinkle it on carpets and furniture covers.

Finally, if all else fails, dried orange/lemon peels may help. Put bags of dried peels in closets and hidden corners. This could replace cannabis odor quickly with something stronger and more pleasant-smelling.

Tips for Preventing Weed Smell

The smell of weed can be a nuisance. It attracts unwanted attention and creates discomfort. To reduce or prevent weed smell when smoking, you can use a vaporizer. Vaporizers produce less smoke and maintain potency. If you don’t have a vaporizer, it is best to smoke outside or in a well-ventilated area.

A sploof can be purchased or made. It captures smoke odors and exhausts clean air. Mindful smoking helps avoid unnecessary attention.

Proper storage of your weed is key. Vacuum sealing bags help lock in odors and preserve the flavour profile. This will keep your marijuana fresh and smelling nice!


Concluding on how to get rid of weed smell, it’s important to prevent it altogether. The best way is to be mindful when smoking, ventilate the area, and store cannabis properly. If it does start to smell, try air fresheners, baking soda, essential oils, candles, and cleaning products. Sploofs and vaporizers can also help reduce the smell.

In short, getting rid of weed smell doesn’t have to be hard. Just follow these tips and satisfy everyone’s nose!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How can I get rid of weed smell quickly? A1: Burning incense or scented candles can help to quickly mask the smell of weed. Additionally, using an air purifier or an odor neutralizing product in the room may help to eliminate the odor.